A dragon heralded my adult reintroduction to a creative life.
Today I think of dragons as being creative, dangerous, and transformative.
I also like the idea that they hoard a stash of treasure and like things that glitter. I try to keep a dragon heart in my journey through life. When I first started speaking I would clutch one in my hand. Did it give me strength or was I strong already? Who knows. I liked having it though.
Every door conceals a dragon blowing flames, daring you to step across the threshhold and yet for those willing to ride the beast, there is strength, courage and the ability to step into a life that you have never dreamed possible.
Dragon energy is magical .
The importance of archetypes, symbolism and perhaps a touch of superstition is not lost on humans. I used a floppy stuffed dog while writing my high school exams. Today, Freya brings a feeling of strength and power to my mind so I think I will use her myth for myself. Whatever helps us cross that threshold is as good as any, even if a placebo at best.
I am so excited for this journey to start and to follow you in it. You have been a positive force for me as I now revisit my own doors, peering through the crack whilst creaking it open and stepping inside.
Peace and veggies
Hey Vicki
Good picture. As I read this I had a vision of you driving down the road but the front of yoru car had a mast head (hmmm is that what those mermaids or carved half women are called on the front of ships? I think so) any ways you had one of those and it was a dragon’s head shooting right out of the hood of your car and a giant dragon tail coming out the back. Of course wings on the side doors were a must also. Wow what a way to travel! Just strap your self in and fly!
I love it. Keep those visions coming.
Ah Vicki, I too am a lover and admirer of Dragons – have a beauty tattooed
on my thigh toremind me of their presence and power.a few years ago I wrote a short essay on Dragons and Crones for WEBCRONESl I’ll send it to you in an email.
May your quest and its challenges open your heart and mind and sp[irit to the great possibilities which confront us.