The Pull of The Moon

A friend gave me a card the other day signed with the words, “enjoy your Pull of the Moon journey.” That invoked an instant memory  of a book that had inspired me  when my youngest child was 10 (now 21). The book is The Pull of The Moon by Elizabeth Berg....

Giving and Taking

I have always been comfortable giving what I can to friends, family and causes I support. I never have much money but if I can give time, a skill or support, I love to do that. During the preparation for this trip I have learned that the flip side to giving is taking....

27 Days And Counting

Yesterday a friend said, “Wow! you are leaving in a few weeks.” Augh!! A few weeks. That doesn’t sound like much time at all. So many things to wrap up, so much to do. So today I sat down with the calender to count days and I have almost a month,...

Save That Date

My friends are amazing and they are having a goodbye/goodluck and fundraising party May 2 for me. You are invited. Check out the info on Quest Across – the party page. Here is a quote I love: Whatever your dream is, show up. Pluck the strings, put...